Product options
With the help of product options, you can also:
offer extras, like gift wrapping;
offer multiple selections to configure or personalize the product;
add price modifiers to increase or decrease product price based on selection, and more.
The options customers chose are listed in the order details as well as in your store’s notifications and in invoices.
Table of contents
Available option types
The following option types are available in your store:
- Drop-Down List allows the selection of one value from multiple choices. We suggest drop-down lists for a compact view of many choices.
- Radio Buttons allow selecting one value from multiple choices like product color or gift wrapping.
- Size allows selecting one option from multiple size choices.
- Checkboxes allow selection of several options at once. For example, you can use them when offering extras like pizza toppings.
Creating options
- From your Sauecommerce admin, go to Catalog → Products.
- Open the product you want to edit or create a new one.
- Go to the Options tab:
- Click Add Product Options to add an option and its parameters.
- Add the name of the option (e.g., "Toppings").
- From the Option type drop-down, select the option type. In our example, we add toppings for pizza, so it’s “Checkboxes”:
- In the Option values field, specify the first value for this option. In the example with the toppings, it can be “Ham”.
- Click +Add Value and add all other values of the option. In our example, we’ll list all the available toppings.
- (optional) Hover over the option value and click Add price modifier to specify how this option affects the base product price.
- (optional, not available for checkboxes) Click the Value selected automatically drop-down to choose if any value should be preselected. By default, customers need to manually choose an option.
- (optional) Click the six dots to the left of the option value name to drag-and-drop and rearrange the values.
- Save the changes.
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Repeat the above steps to add more options (like color) if needed.
Here is how a product with different options looks in the storefront:
Setting preselected option values
When creating drop-down list, radio button, and size option types, you can set default option values (for example, this pizza’s most popular size) that will be preselected for a faster customer checkout. If a shopper wants to order a product with other options (like other sizes), they need to choose them on the product page instead of the default options.
To select a default option value:
- From your Sauecommerce admin, go to Catalog → Products.
- Open the product you want to edit.
- Go to the Options tab and click on an option.
- Scroll down and click on the Value selected automatically drop-down.
- Select your option:
- Save the changes.
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That’s it! After opening a product page, customers will see default option values as highlighted and preselected:
If your customers tend to order products with the preselected options that you set, you can allow them to add products with the default options to the cart right from the product list by clicking on the “Buy Now” button. For that, go to Settings → General → Cart & Checkout tab and choose the corresponding option from the drop-down:
Making option values required
- From your Sauecommerce admin, go to Catalog → Products.
- Open the product you want to edit.
- Go to the Options tab and click on an option.
- Scroll down and click on the Value selected automatically drop-down.
- Select the None. Require customers to select option:
- Save the changes.
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Here is an example of how shoppers are reminded to pick options after clicking the Add to Bag button:
Setting different prices for options
- From your Sauecommerce admin, go to Catalog → Products.
- Open the product you want to edit.
- Go to the Options tab and click on an option.
- Hover over the option value and click Add price modifier:
- Select whether the modification adjusts the price in absolute amount or as a percentage:
- Set the amount. You can enter positive or negative values.
- Save the changes.
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That's it! You’ve added price modifiers to your option values.
Here’s how modifiers can look to customers in your storefront. The price changes immediately when they select an option:
Editing options
After you add an option to a product in your store, you can make edits to it if you need. For example, if later you want to change option type or its name, or you want to make it required.
To edit an option:
- From your Sauecommerceadmin, go to Catalog → Products.
- Open the product you want to edit.
- Go to the Options tab.
- Click the three dots icon next to an option, then click Edit:
- Make edits to the fields.
- Save the changes.
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Sorting options
You can change the order in which options and input fields appear on the product pages in your store. For example, if you want text fields to appear at the top of the page, before item sizes.
To rearrange options on the product page:
- From your Sauecommerce admin, go to Catalog → Products.
- Open the product you want to edit.
- Go to the Options tab.
- Click the three dots icon next to any option, then click Change Order:
- Drag-and-drop options and input fields to rearrange them.
- Save the changes.
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That’s it! Now product options and input fields will appear on the product page exactly in the order that you have set.
Viewing customer choices of option values
All the options your customers chose on product pages appear in the order details in your store admin. This information is also available in the admin and customer email notifications, as well as in the order invoices and in customer accounts.
To access option choices in the order details:
- From your Sauecommerce admin, go to My Sales → Orders.
- Click on the order to open it.
- Find option choices in the product block:
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You can also download product option choices for your orders as a CSV file.
Bulk adding and updating options
You can always add or update product options and input fields in bulk using Sauecommerce's built-in import tool.
Also, you can easily update your product options and input fields using the Bulk Product Editor app from Sauecommerce App Market.
Sauecommerce App Market is available on Essential, Professional, Business.
Bulk Product Editor helps you:
- update all your products in bulk or filter those you’d like to change
- update properties like price, weight, quantity, and more
- add and remove options and input fields (they all go under “options” in the app)
- add and remove option values
- import options with option values and input fields from CSV file (it's compatible with spreadsheets)
- enable and disable products in bulk
If you have any questions about the Bulk Product Editor, please contact the developer of the app directly.
Deleting options
You can delete options that exist in your store at any time. For example, if you no longer want to offer gift wrapping on the product page as you now offer it as a surcharge at checkout.
To delete options from a product page:
- From your Sauecommerce admin, go to Catalog → Products.
- Open the product you want to edit.
- Go to the Options tab.
- Click the three dots icon next to an option, then click Delete.
- Save the changes.
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