Managing local orders and pickup
When customers choose local delivery or pickup for their order, they specify an exact date or time when they want to receive an order. Usually, it’s the same-day delivery or the date very close to the day of placing the order.
To effectively manage time-sensitive orders, streamline the fulfillment and managing process for local delivery and pickup orders. In Sauecommerce, you can quickly find orders awaiting processing, create a schedule for local delivery orders to keep them organized, update them in bulk and notify customers right away. In the Sauecommerce mobile app, you can set up reminders about upcoming deliveries and get directions from your location to your customer delivery addresses.
Table of contents
Filtering local delivery and pickup orders
On the Orders page, you can quickly find orders that require local delivery or pickup, so you know which orders to prepare first. The list of orders is sorted by the date of placing the order, not by the date of delivery. If you need to see what orders to prepare first, you can sort orders by the date of delivery in your Sauecommerce mobile app.
To find local delivery orders that require fulfillment:
- From your admin, go to Sauecommerce My Sales → Orders and click Filter.
- Click the Pickup or delivery date and time dropdown and specify the time range you are looking for. You will see all orders in the selected time period.
- You can also look up for the upcoming orders in the next 3 hours, 24 hours, on this particular day or in the next 3 days by clicking on the corresponding buttons:

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Mass updating local delivery or pickup orders
You can change the payment or fulfillment status for several orders at once, and also print, export, or delete orders in bulk. When you deliver dozens of orders per day, updating orders in bulk saves you a lot of time. For example, you can print several orders at once, hand it out to the delivery guy along with packed orders, and then change orders status to Out for delivery. All your customers will immediately get a notification about their order being on its way to their doorstep.
To update local delivery or pickup orders in bulk:
- From your Sauecommerce admin, go to My Sales → Orders.
- Filter the orders to find ones you need to update.
- Check all the orders and click Mass update:
- Choose what you want to update. For example, Change the fulfillment status for selected orders and then choose the new status.

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Using the in-app reminder for orders

Get a technical support
Our technical teams will help you to create your e-commerce websites and all the support need to connect to the existing systems
Getting a delivery direction from Sauecommerce mobile app

Get a technical support
Our technical teams will help you to create your e-commerce websites and all the support need to connect to the existing systems
Creating a schedule for local delivery and pickup
When you have dozens of local delivery orders per day, creating a delivery schedule can help you to streamline the fulfillment process. In Sauecommerce, you can either synchronize your orders with your calendar or use the app from the Sauecommerce App Market to organize your daily delivery and keep track of the upcoming orders.
Exporting orders to your calendar
When you sync your store with your calendar app, all orders that have delivery/pickup date or time appear in your calendar. Each new order appears in its own time slot according to its delivery time. In your calendar, you can get a quick overview of the list of items and their quantity, the order number, customer address and contacts, delivery/pickup method, and payment status. All that helps you understand what products to prepare and when.
In your calendar, you can set reminders about the upcoming orders, share the calendar with your staff, or print it out.
To export delivery and pickup orders to your calendar app:
- From your Sauecommerce admin, go to Shipping & Pickup.
- Scroll down to the Delivery and Pickup Calendar Export section and click Enable Export.
- Click Open in My Default Calendar. New orders will automatically sync with your calendar and appear as a new calendar in your app.