To update ribbons in bulk:

  1. From your Sauecommerce admin, go to Catalog → Products.
  2. Click Filter in the left upper corner:


  3. In the opened menu, scroll down to the Ribbons section.
  4. Choose the ribbon you need from the list or type its text into the Ribbon text field to make the search faster.
  5. (optional) Choose categories, availability, stock status, and other filters.
  6. Tick the products you want to update ribbons for.
  7. Click Mass Update:


  8. In the dropdown menu, choose Promote on Storefront → Manage Ribbons → Add Ribbons to Selected.
    If you apply Add Ribbons to Selected to a product that already has a ribbon, its ribbon will be replaced with a new one.
  9. Enter Ribbon text and choose Ribbon color.
  10. Click Add.

Ribbons with the text and color you chose will be added to the selected products right away.