Searching and filtering orders

All orders in your store appear on the Orders page. By default, they are organized from newest to oldest. You can filter orders to quickly find specific ones such as pre-orders or orders ready to be shipped. You can also search orders by keywords such as product names, SKU, customer emails, etc.

Table of contents

Filtering orders

On the Orders page, you can use a variety of filters to choose what orders to display and perform bulk actions on multiple orders. To reuse filters or filter combinations, create custom filters

You can filter your orders by:

  • Date
  • Payment status
  • Fulfillment status
  • Payment method
  • Shipping method or carrier
  • Pickup or delivery date and time
  • Products
  • Having pre-orders
  • Having tracking number (in the Sauecommerce mobile app only)
  • Having a particular discount coupons (in the Sauecommerce mobile app only)
  • Having a discount (in the Sauecommerce mobile app only)
  • Having tips (in the Sauecommerce mobile app only)
  • Having customer comments or staff notes (in the Sauecommerce mobile app only)

Let’s say you want to start preparing paid orders for the delivery. In this case, you need to apply multiple filters at once to narrow your search: both for a payment status and shipping method.

To filter orders:

  1. From your Sauecommerce admin go to Orders.
  2. Click Filter.
  3. At the top left, you will see the default presets to filter orders with:


    Or select a specific category from the dropdowns. In our example, it’s Payment Status → Paid and Fulfillment Status → Awaiting Processing:



Creating custom filters for orders

To speed up the fulfillment process, you can create a custom filter for frequently recurring orders. For example, bookmark local orders that should be delivered within the next 7 days. Once you create a custom filter, it appears in the preset filters at the top left on the Orders page. When you click the custom filter combination, you will see all orders matching your preferences.

To create a custom filter for orders:

  1. From your Sauecommerce admin go to Orders and click Filters.
  2. Select several filters from the dropdowns. For example, Payment Status → Paid, Fulfillment Status → Awaiting Processing, Shipping method → Next-day delivery.
  3. Scroll down and click Save filter on the left:


  4. In the Filter name field, enter the name for the filter that will appear in the preset filters. For example, Orders to prepare for the next-day delivery.
  5. Click Save.

Searching orders by products and customers

In addition to filtering orders, you can search orders by a product name, order number, tax invoice number, SKU, admin notes, customer name, email, address, or comments. For example, to find all orders from a certain client search orders by a customer email.

To search orders:

  1. From your Sauecommerce admin, go to My Sales → Orders.
  2. In the search bar, enter a specific parameter to filter orders. In our example, it’s a customer email:


  3. (optional) Apply the dropdown filters to further narrow down the list of orders. For example, to see orders placed by a particular customer that have not yet been paid for, click Payment Status and select Awaiting payment:


  4. (optional) In the left column, click Save filter to save the search as a preset filter.